jueves, 28 de enero de 2016

What are Multiple Intelligences?

Do you know what Multiple Intelligences are?

It has been claimed by some researchers that our intelligence or ability to understand the world around us is complex. Some people are better at understanding some things than others.

For some of us it is relatively easy to understand how a flower grows but it is immensely difficult for us to understand and use a musical instrument. For others music might be easy but playing football is difficult.

Instead of having one intelligence it is claimed that we have several different intelligences.
These are listed below:
Kinaesthetic - Body SmartLinguistic - Word Smart
Logical - Number SmartInterpersonal - People Smart
Intrapersonal - Myself SmartMusical - Music Smart
Visual/Spatial - Picture SmartNaturalistic - Nature Smart
What special intelligences do you have? You can find out by answering a few simple questions.
Kinaesthetic - Body Smart« back to top
You may be body smart. You will enjoy sports and are good at swimming, athletics, gymnastics and other sports. This is sometimes called being Kinaesthetic smart.
Linguistic - Word Smart« back to top
You may be word smart. You will enjoy reading, writing and talking about things. This is sometimes called being Linguistic smart.
Logical - Number Smart« back to top
You may be number smart. You will be good at mathematics and other number activities; you are also good at solving problems. This is sometimes called being Logical smart.
Interpersonal - People Smart« back to top
You may be people smart. You will like to mix with other people and you will belong to lots of clubs. You like team games and are good at sharing. This is sometimes called being Interpersonal smart.
Intrapersonal - Myself Smart« back to top
You may be myself smart. You will know about yourself and your strengths and weaknesses. You will probably keep a diary. This is sometimes called being Intrapersonal smart.
Musical - Music Smart« back to top
You may be music smart. You will enjoy music and can recognise sounds, and timbre, or the quality of a tone. This is sometimes called being Musical smart.
Visual/Spatial - Picture Smart« back to top
You may be picture smart. You will be good at art and also good at other activities where you look at pictures like map reading, finding your way out of mazes and graphs. This is sometimes called being Visual/Spatial smart.
Naturalistic - Nature Smart« back to top
You may be nature smart. You will like the world of plants and animals and enjoy learning about them. This is sometimes called being Naturalistic smart.

Take the test here!

Be yourself!

Today we continue with a class about YOURSELF!!

Take this short test - page 1, in fact, in the pdf - and let's discuss about it.

I hope you will find it interesting and useful!

miércoles, 27 de enero de 2016


1.      DISCUSSION LEADER: Prepares five to ten questions to start the conversation and leads the group.

2.      CULTURE COLLECTOR: Relates the story to our culture, traditions.

3.      PASSAGE PERSON: Chooses two or three passages and explains why they are important.

4.      SUMMARIZER: Writes a summary of the story.

5.      WORD MASTER: Selects 8/10 words that are important, translates them and explains why they are important.

6.      CONNECTOR: Connects the story to real life events or anecdotes.

Personality ... TEST

Take this test and you will discover some traits of your personality!

Are the results true or false?

Do you recognise yourself in the model the test revealed?

Do you think the test is 100% true?

What were your results? Do you agree or disagree with your results?

Debate with your classmates!

viernes, 22 de enero de 2016

Choose a fancy dress costume and a destination

Carnival is here.

Which is your favourite one?

These are some special places to visit, too.

In vueling you can read more about some carnivals that attract travellers and make them decide book a flight!

Read the official announcement and choose your favourite carnival.

Every Carnival we ask ourselves the same question: “What shall I go as?”. 
At Vueling, we think that maybe it's time for a change. The 12th of February is a holiday so you can make the most of it and fly off to another city to celebrate carnival time. That's why we're not going to ask you what you're going as this year, but rather where you're going this year?



The most important carnival in Europe. Ten days when the city centre streets are filled with parades, crowds in fancy dress, live music and stalls selling food and drink. From 13 January to 14 February.


Las Palmas

Las Palmas, where Carnival and thebeach go hand in hand. It is one of the most important in the world and they choose a Carnival Queen and Carnival Drag Queen. From 29 January to 21 February in Santa Catalina park.



Malaga Carnival offers fun for all the family. Throughout the city centre you can hear traditional "chirigotas" and "comparsas", choirs and quartets and you can enjoy typical carnival snacks, stews, rice dishes and paella. From 30 January to 27 February.



The festival of masks. A truly unique carnival combining a fabulous atmosphere and the most ornate costumes to whisk us back in time. Stroll through the streets and take a ride on the canals. Travel back in time. From 30 January to 9 February.



Milan Carnival is like no other. It is called Carnaval Ambrosiano and the theme harks back to a local legend. The parade passes through colourful streets on its way to Piazza del Duomo. From 24 January to 9 February.



The capital of the Côte d'Azur is the venue for an extraordinary Carnival. Even in February, the temperature iswarm and draws everyone into thestreet to dance and parade. From 13to 28 February.

jueves, 21 de enero de 2016

Oprah Winfrey: Her Incredible Life

This is a very interesting webpage where you can find more information on famous people from USA.

This post is about:

Oprah Winfrey: Her Incredible Life

Oprah Winfrey is one of the most successful women in the history of the United States of America. Winfrey was born in a small town in Mississippi in 1954 into a poor family. She is now one of the richest people in the world, and the richest black Americans in the country. She was also named as the richest African American in the 20th Century. Winfrey is known to most Americans through her daytime show called "The Oprah Winfrey Show." Her show is very popular among television viewers because she likes to tackle the tough issues many other daytime TV hosts avoid.
Winfrey's early life was difficult. She lived with her mother and grandmother at times. While living with her grandmother, she learned to read by the age of three, and had memorized many bible passages. Her mother was an unwed teenager at the time of her birth, and had a difficult time raising her. Winfrey had two half-sisters. One died young as a result of cocaine addiction, and she did not learn about her other sister until 2010. Winfrey also was not certain who her father was.
Winfrey suffered from sexual abuse from her uncle, cousin, and family friend, and became pregnant at 14. She lost her baby shortly after birth though. Winfrey survived her early years, and at 17 won a local beauty contest before getting her first break in the media industry as a radio newscaster. This was her first step into the media market.
Her show began in Chicago in 1983, and within a few years, it became the No. 1 daytime, talk show in the country. She has interviewed some of the most famous people in the country on her popular show. Winfrey starred in the movie The Color Purple, and now owns her own production company called Harpo Films. She is a philanthropist who is famous for her generosity, and remains one of the most influential Americans in the country.

sourse: http://www.eslfast.com/people/p/people020.htm

Useful vocabulary Multi-cultural Britain

BC British English ; B.C. American English
before Christ
used after a date to show that it was before the birth of Christ [↪ AD]:
http://www.ldoceonline.com/images/786/entry/pronsentencea.gifThe Great Pyramid dates from around 2600 BC.

AD British English ; A.D. American English
Anno Domini
used to show that a date is a particular number of years after the birth of Christ[= CE; ↪ BC]:
http://www.ldoceonline.com/images/786/entry/pronsentencea.gifthe first century AD
http://www.ldoceonline.com/images/786/entry/pronsentencea.gif54 AD

Celt [countable]
a member of a race of people who lived in ancient Britain and Western Europe before the Romans came, or a person living now whose ancestors were members of this race

Roman [usually before noun]
1 relating to ancient Rome or the Roman Empire:
http://www.ldoceonline.com/images/786/entry/pronsentencea.gifan old Roman road
http://www.ldoceonline.com/images/786/entry/pronsentencea.gifthe Roman occupation of Britain
2 relating to the city of Rome
—Roman noun [countable]

Sax‧on [countable]
a member of the race of people from northern Europe that came to live in England in the 5th century
—Saxon adjective

Vi‧king [countable]
a member of the group of Scandinavian people who sailed in ships to attack areas along the coasts of northern and western Europe from the 8th to 11th centuries

1 built in the style that was popular during the 11th and 12th centuries in Europe:
http://www.ldoceonline.com/images/786/entry/pronsentencea.gifa Norman church
2 relating to the Normans, the northern French people who took control of England in the 11th century

relating to Jews or Judaism:
http://www.ldoceonline.com/images/786/entry/pronsentencea.gifthe Jewish religion
http://www.ldoceonline.com/images/786/entry/pronsentencea.gifMy husband is Jewish.

relating to Jews or Judaism:
http://www.ldoceonline.com/images/786/entry/pronsentencea.gifthe Jewish religion
http://www.ldoceonline.com/images/786/entry/pronsentencea.gifMy husband is Jewish.

anti-Sem‧i‧tis‧m [uncountable]
hatred of Jewish people:
http://www.ldoceonline.com/images/786/entry/pronsentencea.gifthe struggle against fascism and anti-Semitism

Great Britain refers to England, Scotland, and Wales put together; the official name of UK is the ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’.



miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

Test 3

  1. What is the capital of California?
  2. What is the capital of New Zealand?
  3. What is another popular name for the Australians?
  4. Who was Geoffrey Chaucer?
  5. What is the capital of the USA?
  6. What are the members of the Conservative Party called?
  7. Where is Loch Ness?
  8. How many people live there in Australia?
  9. What is another name for Australia?
  10. What is the name of the guards in the Tower of London?

martes, 19 de enero de 2016

Test 2!!

  1. Test 2
  2. It's 10 o'clock a.m. in Berlin. What time is it in Los Angeles?
  3. What are the native Australians called?
  4. What is the hottest place in the USA?
  5. Which of the following Indian tribes does not live in the South of the USA?
  6. What do they celebrate in Britain on 5th November?