lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

Book lovers: What's your reading personality?

Do you like reading?

What's the last book you have read?

Do you have a favourite genre?

Who is your favourite writer?

What's your reading personality? Are you an eclectic, serial, exacting or involved reader? Find out now by taking BookBrowse's fun, fast and not to be taken too seriously quiz. Seven questions in all.

Take the quiz and discover your reading personality.

Do you agree with the result?
Why not?
Share here your result.

Don't forget:

Question 1. You've got an hour to spend in the bookstore/library, where do you start?

Question 2. What do you look for when choosing a book?

Question 3. You're in your local bookstore and you see that an author signing is scheduled for the following day. What do you do?

Question 4. Which of these quotes appeals to you most?

Question 5. You've heard about a book that looks like it may be good, what do you do?

Question 6. You've finished your last book, what do you do?

Question 7. Your friend's having a birthday party, and you've decided to give him/her a book; what do you get?

Your Reading Personality:
Eclectic Reader!

The Eclectic Reader

You read for entertainment but also to expand your mind. You're open to new ideas and new writers, and are not wedded to a particular genre or limited range of authors.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

Worksheet for the activity: Let's discover a book and an author!

The list of the books that are part of this project work:

1. A Melody of Truth - Evelyn Christie
2. Strangers on a Train - Patricia Highsmith
3. The Queen and I - Sue Townsend
4. Claws - John Landon
5. Meet me in Istanbul - Richard Chisholm
6. The Monkey's Paw - W. W. Jacobs
7. To Catch a Thief - Geraldine Kaye
8. Island for Sale - Anne Collins
9. The Penang File - Richard MacAndrew
10. Prisoner in the Jungle - Tim Vicary
11. Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens

You have to follow this plan and look for information about:

AUTHOR – information about the author’s life and literary activity  - 1 point

BOOK – genre description – 1 point

CHAPTER 1 – 2 points

·         Read it.
·         Find unknown words and their meaning.

Write about the action and characters in Chapter 1. -  5/10 lines -  2 points

Answer the questions in the book .– 2 points

YOUR OPINION -  Did yu like the book? Why? Why not? Would you recommend it?- 2 points

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

Let's discover books and authors!

This activity is quite challenging.

All you have to do is to go to the library and look for a book in English.
You can also bring a book in English if you have one.

The objective is to work on some aspects:

AUTHOR - life and his/her work

BOOK - genre, plot, characters

EXTRA  INFO- if there is a movie or another book related to the same topic

Once you have the book, look for information about the author and start reading the 1st chapter.
Look for new words in a dictionary and put them down on a Vocabulary List.

When you finished the 1st chapter, write some lines about it and focus on the main characters and the plot.

Once you have done this part, go to the Activity section of the book and do the exercises that the book includes for the 1st chapter.

Revise your work and when you think it is all revised, share your project work with the rest of the class.

I will list here the names of the books and the authors once you all have the books!!!

Have fun and enjoy discovering books and authors!

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015


Visit London! Plan your trip to this amazing city!

Search on google information about the city and make a selection of the most interesting places to visit.

Look for further information on transport, museums, food and even currency.

Prepare your presentation and bring it to the class.

Marina suggests these places:

Palace of Westminster
Big Ben
Tower Bridge
London Eye and
Oxford University

If you want to know more about the English breakfast, click here.

miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2015

The Great Fire of London

This is a very interesting story and this audio book about the The Great Fire of London teaches you more on the history of a city you would like to visit: LONDON.

If you want to discover more about LONDON, please click here.

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015

Lyrics - English vs Spanish version

Today we compared the original lyrics of some songs to their translation in Spanish.

These are the websites we used:

The songs are:

Jasmine Thompson - Ain't Nobody

One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful

Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven

Green Day - Basket Case

Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

Music, lyrics and English

Music is a good opportunity to practise English and this is what we tried to do today.

The lyrics we read (and analysed...) are here and the videos we watched are:

Sun is shining

Suggest your favourite song and we will listen to it!